Nikka Strengths

We create ONE & ONLY value from
the rich ideas and reliable technology.

Nikka is comprehensive manufacturer of printing peripherals & supplies putting PERIPHERALS PERIPHERALS customer's needs into the products with our unique technologies.
We provide wide solutions and total support to customers through the integration of machinery products, supplies and maintenance service.
As a Japan's manufacturing company, we will continue to provide unique products and services with high added value.


Printing production sites have various needs, including not only quality improvement, but also further work efficiency, creation of added value, cost reduction, and measures for safety, safety, environmental and energy conservation measures, etc. Nikka is always working together with the printing industry and support the optimization of work environments by providing peripherals developed using our unique technology that has been cultivated over many years.


We provide wide range of consumables that are essential for improving productivity and the quality of final products at various manufacturing sites. Our signature product NIKKALYCO® is highly evaluated for its safety and is still in use around the world more than 65 years after its development.


Nikka is expanding the scope of its activities along with the changing times and advances in technology. In response to the demand for faster production while preventing product defects, Nikka offers a lineup of products that contribute to improving factory productivity and quality, including "WEKO Rotor Dampening System" which can add moisture to tack paper and apply silicone and anti-fogging agents evenly, and ultimate electric powder sprayer "K-V", which has been installed in over 2,000 units worldwide.

CEO Message

Since our founding in 1958, Nikka Limited has been continuing to challenge itself by providing products and services that have extra value.
We believe being attentive to every detail in the products and services we deliver is our major role as a manufacturer.

“Providing products and services as they should be.” This is what we have always valued. “We provide common products and services to various customers all over the world.” It is simple in words, yet very profound in meaning.
Furthermore, what the expressions “should be” or “common” mean may vary from time to time. We want to be indispensable to our customers by accurately grasping how their needs change with the times and continuing to provide “common” products and services as they “should be.”

We will continue to strive to be a company that prospers over the next 100 years by developing products and services our customers think “would be good to have”.

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